Lawyer at the Lyon Bar & Turin bar
Gloria Millepezzi is a member of the Lyon bar since 2022 and of the Turin bar since 2018.
She joined Avrillon Huet as an associate in February 2023.
She began her career as a lawyer in Italy, in a legal firm specialised in litigation, company law, private law and arbitration law. She then practised as a lawyer in the M&A et company law department of a legal firm in Lyon.
She assists the firm’s clients in business law (equity transactions, acquisitions, disposals, shareholding structuring, commercial contracts).
She speaks French, English and Italian fluently.
- Master 2 at Turin University, in Italian Law (2009-2015)
- « Implantation de sociétés françaises en Italie : aspects pratiques », published in De la Relation, 2023, no. 27 (cowriting)
- « Replacement of corporate resolutions during the trials set up to get such resolutions declared void: a case of restriction of the action for annulment », published in Il nuovo diritto delle società, 2021, no. 9
- « Atto di conferimento di beni immobili in trust effettuato dal fideiussore e azione revocatoria » ex art. 2901 c.c. (nota a Trib. Torino, 3 luglio 2014, sent., Goiudice: dott.ssa Ratti e a Trib. Bergamo, 15 novembre 2016, sent., Giudice: dott. Panzeri), published in Il nuovo diritto delle società, 2017, no. 5, page 427 ss.
- « Azione di annullamento di delibere societarie: regole procedurali di diritto comune e disciplina speciale delle autorità di vigilanza », published in Il nuovo diritto delle società, 2016, no. 19, page 33 ss.
- « Impugnazione di delibere societarie : casi dubbi di legittimazione dei soci », published in Il nuovo diritto delle società, 2016, no. 18, page 36 ss.
- « Gli amministratori di società e l’impugnazione delle delibere assembleari », published in Il nuovo diritto delle società, 2016, no. 11, page 48 ss.